Anxiety Detox
Helping Women Transform Anxiety into Confidence
When your anxiety goes unchecked, you experience lack of confidence at work, and miss out on joy at home - leaving you feeling guilty, unfulfilled, and overwhelmed. This course will help you pinpoint the causes of your anxiety and give you practical applications to manage and prevent anxiety holistically.
Boost Your Confidence In and Out of Work
Be More Present With Your Family
Do Something for Yourself for Once

Are you tired of your anxiety holding you back?
You feel like you need to be everything for everyone… you carry a tremendous amount of pressure on your shoulders. The results?
- You keep hoping a certain level of success will relieve the anxiety… but it only gets worse. Will you have to give up on your career to find peace?
- You feel so busy you can’t imagine having the “luxury” of taking time for yourself, even though you know you should.
- You worry that time is slipping away and you’re missing valuable moments with your family.
- You stay up at night worried about the example you’re setting for your children… “Am I doing good enough?”
- You feel embarrassed to ask for help because it will make you look weak or incapable.
- You want to avoid prescription medications and address your anxiety holistically, but you don’t know where to start.
- You wonder who you really are beneath the responsibilities and pressures… who are you outside of the roles you fulfill for other people?
There IS a way to address your anxiety holistically. You deserve to have the career of your dreams without completely missing out on your family life. With the right tools, you can find the peace you’ve been looking for.
Are you ready?
I’M READY, SHOW ME HOWFeatured In...

I’ve got you.
I’m Stacey Brake, a mental health expert, counselor, certified integrative healthcare professional, and creator of Anxiety Detox.
I’ve packaged the most fundamental and holistic methods to overcoming anxiety from my 18+ years of experience into an online course.
Most importantly, this course was made specifically for busy women. It doesn’t take too much time, and the methods outlined in it are practical enough that they can be used by ANYONE, regardless of stress level.
I invite you to suspend your belief that anxiety is just “who you are”.
So, are you ready?
Take the first step toward holistically taking control of your anxiety.
Anxiety Detox will show you how.
I’M READY FOR AN ANXIETY DETOX!“This was such an awesome journey for me.”
“One of the things that I liked most is that each module was fairly short. I was worried that during my busy week & schedule, I would not find the time to sit through a lengthy course. The segments were perfect length, it was a treat at the end of a busy day to take this time for myself. It was certainly one of the best things I have done for myself in quite awhile!”Â
Susan Johnson

“Best resource for mental well-being in dealing with anxiety”
“This has helped me so much. Stacey gives insight to identifying sources of anxiety and provides tools to reduce, manage and even eliminate anxiety. She provides various tools to choose from that help encompass addressing anxiety at different angles that has helped me greatly overcome years of anxiety. This has been the best thing I have participated in for my mental health. I do believe that because it is designed for you to actively participate, it gives a feeling of taking control of your well being. I highly recommend for anyone. These tools are useful to have throughout life.”
Katherine Price

Are You Ready to Transform Your Anxiety Into Confidence?

Get started overcoming your anxiety in just 30 days.
Real life tools, resources, downloads, and more for holistic anxiety prevention and management.
What will you learn?
In 30 days, you will go through 9 short, easy-to-digest self-paced modules designed specifically for busy women like you to transform your mental health.
Week 1: Introduction to Anxiety Detox
Get a boost on your journey to conquering anxiety via Zoom.
Start your personalized tracker, and find out how to get support on your journey.
How to make the most of the Anxiety Detox so you can create the new version of you.

Week 2: The Foundations of Anxiety Management
Understand your anxiety journey and where you’re starting.
Learn how to use proven neuroscience to reduce anxiety quickly and easily.
Find out how the food you eat can affect your anxiety.
Week 3: Managing Spikes in Anxiety
Evaluate your circumstances so you can feel empowered instead of overwhelmed.
Learn the technique that will reduce your anxiety EVERY SINGLE TIME!
Understand how your gut is connected to your anxiety.

Week 4: Lowering Baseline Levels of Anxiety
Take back the reins to stop the spiral!
Assess your own trauma and find out how to move through it.
Module 9: 3 DAY GUT RESET
Reduce anxiety, gain energy, and sleep better with a healthier gut!

Harness the power of integrative health and functional medicine to create a life worth living to the fullest. There are two ways to get started on your Anxiety Detox journey.
You can choose the self-guided option where you learn on your own terms, OR you can amplify your detox with the group coaching option.
You're here because you're ready to live your life confident, calm, and in-control. The self-guided course gives you all the great information and applications, and choosing group coaching provides the accountability and emotional support you need to stay fully committed to this anxiety detox journey!
Prefer 1-0n-1 Support?
There are a limited number of available spots for private sessions. Book a free consultation below to see if private coaching is the right fit for you!
Free ConsultationBenefits of the Anxiety Detox
Leverage the knowledge and experience of a mental health expert.
Learn the practical methods to manage and prevent your anxiety from a trained mental health professional with almost two decades of experience.
Approach your anxiety holistically instead of with medications.
There are more options to living a more peaceful, confident life than with pharmaceuticals. The Anxiety Detox gives you a comprehensive approach to full spectrum integrative health.
Rediscover what life looks like when your anxiety doesn’t hold you back.
Anxiety can affect your life in ways you don’t even realize: irritability, doom scrolling on social media, gastrointestinal issues, and restlessness just to name a few. Learn how to feel better physically and mentally with Anxiety Detox.
Added Benefits With the Group Coaching Option
Inside the exclusive private community, you will experience support, accountability, and mindset coaching you need to make the most of your anxiety detox.
Each day of your anxiety detox, you'll receive a short thought or quote that will supplement your journey.
Ask your questions live to Stacey, while also hearing the stories, experiences, and struggles of your fellow group coaching members.
3 Simple Steps to Get Started

Step 1
Choose Your Anxiety Detox Journey and Register.
Select the option that works for you, then register to get started.

Step 2
Move at Your Own Pace Through the Weekly Modules (and Join Coaching Sessions if Applicable).
You’ll want to take notes and use our checklists to get things done.

Step 3
Use the Practical Applications from Each Module in Your Daily Life.
Before you know it, you’ll enjoy your life where you feel calm, confident, and in control.
“Great journey with practical applications that can easily be implemented no matter your stress level. I would recommend Stacey's program to anyone who feels overwhelmed on any given day.”
Alicia Alford
“Amazingly helpful!”
“Stacey, I can't tell you how much I love this course so far. I put off starting it because I wanted to be in the right frame of mind. I encourage others not to put it off. I obviously needed it or I wouldn't have signed up! I'm so excited to continue through the course. I've learned SO much! Thanks for caring about us so much. You are a precious human being.”
Donna Hall
“Great Tips and Tricks!”
“Many great tricks and tips for people with anxiety, which is probably every teacher!”
Danelle Setterstrom
You deserve to invest in your well-being. You’ve been the dependable anchor for everyone else. Now, it’s time to be the anchor for yourself, and invest in YOU.
With Anxiety Detox, you can reconnect with your confident, calm, and in-control authentic self.

Helping Women Transform Anxiety into Confidence
I’M READY TO CHOOSE MY JOURNEYGot Questions? Here’s the Answers.
Who is this NOT for?
What are Stacey’s credentials and experience?
When are the group coaching sessions?
What happens if I can’t attend a coaching session?
Does Stacey offer Private, One-on-One Coaching?
This is YOUR time. Start taking care of yourself, and show up for YOU.
Ready to choose joy?